441 Sutton Rd, Majura ACT 2609

(02) 6297 7187

Mon - Fri 7:30am - 4:30pm

  • 441 SUTTON RD, MAJURA, ACT 2609
  • (02) 6297 7187
  • MON - FRI 7:30AM - 4:30PM
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Welcome to Sutton Road Training Centre

Purpose Built Training And Assessment Centre

The Sutton Road Training Centre (SRTC) is a purpose built driver training and education facility located at 441 Sutton Road, Majura in the Australian Capital Territory.

It is the site of the former Australian Federal Police (AFP) Driver Training Centre.  The AFP handed the facility back to the ACT government in the early 1990’s.  The ACT Regional Transport and Distribution Industry Training Council was formed in 1991 with the specific aim of delivering first class training to the transport and distribution industries in the ACT and surrounding regional areas of NSW.  The Council is based at SRTC and is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors who represent a cross-section of the transport and associated industries.  Transport Training ACT (TTACT) is the business arm of the Council and serves an important role within the industry by providing input and feedback to local, state and federal governments on the training needs and issues associated with vocational education within the transport industry.

The Centre facilities Include:
  • 2.5km two lane asphalt driving circuit
  • Two vehicle manoeuvring areas – Asphalt and Gravel
  • Self-watering purpose built skid pan
  • Purpose built 4WD track
  • Eight air conditioned classrooms of varying capacities
  • BBQ and eating facilities
  • A fully equipped function centre with Audio Visual and basic kitchen facilities
  • A large Events Centre with classrooms, offices, commercial kitchen and a large under cover storage area

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Transport Industries Skills Centre (TISC) Accredited Courses

Transport Industries Skills Centre Inc. RTO 0201 (TISC) is a “not-for-profit”, Registered Training Organisation (RTO) specialising in the transport and motor vehicle driving industry.

Transport Industries Skills Centre Inc. (TISC) is a not-for-profit, Registered Training Organisation RTO0201 and is in residence at the Sutton Road Training Centre.  TISC was incorporated in the ACT on 29 June 1993.

TISC is the industry leader in the provision of quality vocational education and training.  TISC provides accredited training in the transport and distribution industries.  Delivery of our programs is innovative, contemporary and responsive to the needs of our clients and the industry’s we serve.  Our accredited training is delivered to the highest national standards as regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

TISC provides training to corporate clients, government agencies, and the public in courses across all facets of heavy vehicle licencing for the ACT and NSW. We also provide heavy vehicle driver skills enhancement, forklift licensing, dangerous goods licencing, emergency response, and more.

Our Mission

Safer Roads Safer Drivers - To develop safer drivers and road users within the Australian and International communities and to promote sustainable safe driving practices and attitudes.

To be the driver training and education provider of choice to the transport industry, to government, to the community, and to be the leading advisor on driver training issues.

Integrity - “We always adhere to sound moral and ethical principles”
Teamwork - “We’re all in this together”
Loyalty - “Steadfast in our resolve, sincere and unwavering in our pursuit of excellence”
Quality - “Never settle for second best”
Accountable - “We always own what we do”
Innovative - “We think without limits”
Trust - “Credibility and Reliability are at our core”
Respect - “Collaborative and embracing of diversity, we respect and are considerate to others”